Thursday, 3 March 2016

Your home from the outside - why kerb appeal matters

Kerb appealWhether buying selling, or just wanting to keep friendly with the neighbours, it is interesting to note that even in these enlightened times appearances matter. 


Unlike books and their covers, the overwhelming majority of us judge a family by the appearance of its home.  It's very hard to correct an initial bad impression. If the house looks tatty on the outside it doesn't matter how nice it is inside, the notion of neglect is already there.
Don’t put off those two minute jobs because you can’t see them.  Your neighbours and friends notice neglect every time they pass. Loving your home and making it appear cared for will bring a lot of love and good feeling back into your house.
Here are six simple things you can do today to lift your family’s appeal within your neighbourhood:
  1. Clear the driveway of rubbish and weeds.  Take it all to the tip and then sweep up. The kids can help – it won’t take long once you’ve started.
  2. Put a planter outside your door – a cheery welcome for caller while they wait on your doorstep. Let everyone who enters your home have a smile on their face.
  3. Polish brass work, letterboxes and knockers – all your door furniture should be free from tarnish and your door free from cobwebs.
  4. Windows should be clean and curtain linings smart. Co-ordinating blinds and curtains give the home a stylish, co-ordinated look.
  5. Look at the house as a whole.  Do curtains ‘match’- or at least co-ordinate with the general colour scheme. What can you do quickly and cheaply to improve things?
  6. Keep on top of things.  Once you’ve got your home looking lovely – try to keep it that way and it won’t be such an effort next time.

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